March 2020 Update from the Village

Our dear partners,

We could never thank you enough for each prayer and gift you’ve sent to Wycliffe on our behalf. We’ve been pretty cut off from the world here in the village. In fact, we’re actually handwriting this with a pen on paper, then sending it on an SIL Kodiak (that is making its monthly trip to the Islands Region) to our friends in Uka who will then publish it for us!

Our reconciliation with our family was quick and sweet. We haven’t felt any tension, but have only received encouragement, guidance, assistance, and lots of garden food since our arrival four weeks ago. Thank you for praying over this. As you might imagine, Boaz’s arrival has been met with incredible excitement, love, and joy.

In answer to other prayers, several people have stepped forward to take the initiative to continue on with the work of translation. They’ve been working long and hard hours to get some Easter materials translated, as well as parts of the Jesus film that remain. This community engages in the season of Lent in a very unique way. It’s truly a humbling privilege to get to serve here on your behalf. The local church leaders are the ones who are motivated to move the work forward. What a huge answer to all of our prayers! Mr. David is a name you’ll want to add to your prayers, as he is spearheading the work. We’ll fill you in on all the other names later. Praise God with us for this miraculous progress. This house you helped us build is not only a wonderful home, but is often filled with men and women working and learning about Bible translation, often until midnight.

As a home, we are flourishing. That doesn’t mean we never drive each other nuts, but we are seeing fruit in each of our children. Homeschool is going well with the older five. They have lots and lots of very dear people that they miss, but their diligence for schoolwork and courage to engage with people here are nothing short of inspiring. Please continue to pray with us for each of their spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual development.

We praise God for you. May He fill you with wisdom and strength to face your challenges. He is faithful, friends. We are sending our love across the miles!


  1. […] April 13, 2020 bvandergriff March 2020 Update from the Village […]


  2. Barbara L. Courtley · · Reply

    So glad to hear your very positive update. We could sense that you are very encouraged. Thank you for that! And thank you Lord for your protection and your provision for the Wade Family.
    Love and Prayers, The Courtleys


  3. Lauren Hudson · · Reply

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


  4. Sharon Barber · · Reply

    So thankful for all the great things G is doing in and through your family. Just wondering do you know Paul and Paula Jarot? Love to all of you. Sharon Barber


    1. Hey Sharon, thanks! No, I don’t know that I’ve ever heard of the Jarots – what organization are they with?


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